Oscar is 11 months

Daddy makin' him laugh.
11 months was a really big one in the Bruns' house. As you may have read, we have a walker. It certainly makes for few dull moments!

See, I'm walking. I think it's awesome.
Oscar is marching (walking, toddling, waddling) his way towards a year and is not even looking back. Here's what's up with Mr. Stinks:

Eating: Everything. He'll try it all. Hamburgers, cinnamon toast, cereal, lemonade, etc. But Oscar truly loves fruit. His most favorite is blueberries, which he would eat at every single meal if we let him.

Teeth: Our little monster continues to make pearly whites. He's cutting two molars now and I have a feeling the other two aren't far behind. This brings his total teeth count to 10 (I'm not counting the last two molars yet).  Oscar continues to be bothered by teething much more than Walt was. He's just a sensitive little guy.

Playing: Oscar is ALL boy. He plays like a monster. He grunts, knocks things down, then laughs maniacally at his feat. He is still obsessive over balls. He understands the concept of catching and throwing, though he's not very good at either one. Walt will be excited when he has a little sports buddy!

Talking:  Oscar loves to point at things. He still only babbles, but he definitely recognizes Daddy and Walt. He chooses to acknowledge me depending on his mood (but usually if Daddy's not around).  He has a few tricks he does such as "up and down" with his arms, he can show you his tongue, and he knows where his head is (frankly, it's not hard to find...).  He also does a very realistic sneezing impression.

Here is my head.

ahh, ahh, ahh....CHOO
 The personality on Oscar is a big one. He loves to flirt, laugh, entertain, and is also not afraid to fuss when he's not getting his way. I have no idea where he gets that from.

Chubby cheeks and some 70s hair

Look at me, mama, I'm cute!