Oscar can walk!

What an exciting weekend we had! For starters, it was a long weekend, which is always welcome. We headed out to Gilmer for some Nana and Papa time and apparently that's all Oscar needed to entice him to get off all fours.

Admittedly, the very first time this happened was two weeks ago. At Walt's end-of-year program, Oscar was getting antsy so Chris stood with him in the back of the auditorium.  He casually set him down (because that kid is a heffer!) and Oscar just took off. He took 5-6 steps like it was nobody's business. No dry run, no hesitation. Just steps.

Naturally, I considered this a massive fluke, but he did it two or three more times right then. But, after going to sleep that night, he conveniently forgot how to do it.  This also made it challenging to get video proof that Oscar had actually conquered this feat. You can't take my word for it. I like to exaggerate.

But, this weekend, he was a performing fool.  Here are three of my favorites:

Super, obnoxious mom voice in this one. Sorry!

This is so bizarre to me because Walt never "trialed" walking. He was just so dang stubborn about it, that he didn't do it (nor attempt to do it) until 15 months. But, right when Walt started walking, he never stopped. I'm not sure he ever got on all fours again. Oscar is taking a different approach. While he loves the attention from walking, he sees it as novelty and doesn't do it all the time. As a matter of fact, he really only does it when he knows he's performing #ham.  Once he figures out how to stand himself up, I think we're in trouble.