Oscar at Two

I think if you read through all my posts about Oscar over the past two year, you'll find a recurring theme: Things happen so much faster with the second kid! What happens when you have three kids? Do you blink and they are in college??

So, what is that Oscar-man up to these days? Let's start with his physical stats (compare to Walt):

Height: 37.3" (99%)
Weight: 32 lbs 1 oz (94%)
Head: 20.8" (+99%)

Oscar is nearly an inch taller than Walt was at this age! Although, if you read my post about Walt at 2, I mention that I thought he was mis-measured.  However, Oscar has tracked consistently bigger than Walt.  He's just a big guy.

Oscar continues to be a fabulous eater. In some respects, having a non-picky eater is SO easy. He'll try everything and I'm never worried about going somewhere and him going hungry. On the flip side, we are always having to get creative. With Walt, I served the same meal twice a day for pretty much two years. Pretty easy not to think about it!

Oscar is also a major chatty cathy.  He's very articulate and has nailed his colors for several months now.  It took Walt a lot longer to grasp colors (he called everything "yellow" until nearly 2.5).  He likes to boss everyone around, especially Bentley. But, he will do almost anything that Walt asks him too (yikes!). Here's a video of Oscar NOT being articulate, but just blabbing away:

Oscar seems to be relatively easy going. He goes to bed willingly and still loves to take a nap. He'll usually hang out in his crib for 30-60 minutes after he wakes up, so we're enjoying this until he decides to Evil Knieval his way out of there. He also loves making everyone laugh and performing. Not sure at all where he got that from :)

Amid all his energy and boyishness, he remains a very sweet and snuggly guy. He loves to crawl in your lap and happily hands out kisses and hugs.  We sure love this little Oscar Man and are beyond blessed to have him in our lives!