Kicking Off Two in the Hospital

This is not at ALL how we thought two years old would start out.  In fact, since our horrendous winter where we couldn't stay well to save our lives, we thought we were on a great preventative plan.  As I've mentioned, Oscar is under close care of his pediatrician and a pulmonologist/allergist. He takes a load of preventative medications (inhalers, steroid nebulizers, singulair, etc).

Also, to our gratitude, our house has been relatively healthy since about March. That was until about a week ago. Oscar developed some cold symptoms. It was nothing alarming. In fact, he never even spiked a concerning fever. Just a little sniffly. We saw Dr. G last Tuesday for Oscar's two-year well-check visit and he agreed that Oscar seemed good. Lungs sounded good, etc.  I even thought Oscar was on the tail end of the snot and stuff.  Then things got worse. On Thursday he just sounded so wheezy, so I went right back to Dr. G. He barely blinked and put him on oral steroids. Not our favorite drug, but they definitely help.

By Friday afternoon he still wasn't improving (two days of steroids!), so I called the pediatrician office. They said to do breathing treatments every two hours and bring him in the morning.  Throughout all this, Oscar is still acting pretty good and sleeping ok.

My little Superman not looking so super
Saturday morning I brought him to the pediatrician and after numerous in-office treatments and monitoring pulse-ox, they just couldn't get him to improve. So, off to the hospital we went.  I was hopeful that it would be a situation where they monitored us in the ER for a few hours, then sent us home.  Not the case. After being there an hour, they said we'd be spending the night.
Strangely, Oscar puts up with a lot, but is not a fan of blood pressure.

Right when we got to the ER. A 45-minute breathing treatment coming right up!
He did finally start responding to the nebs when we got to our room and they switched to inhalers.  They gradually spaced them out overnight, and I'm surprised to say we actually got some sleep.  By the morning, we met with the ER doctor and I said I was confident I could administer round-the-clock inhalers in the comfort of our own home. She agreed he could be discharged. She also prescribed a stronger inhaled steroid (flovent).

Hey at least there are toys and bedside meals!
Oscar was a super champ through all of this. Through all the poking, listening, breathing treatments, he just took it all in stride and rarely got fussy.  We are hoping this the last time we see Children's for a very long time!
Enjoying extra PJ time and a paci whenever he wants :)

When we found out we got to leave!