Walt's Swim Lessons

This summer, instead of doing the Emler/AquaTots learn-how-to-swim-all-summer-long route, we decided to do a week's worth of swim lessons with Walt at Ms Erin's Swim School.  Ms. Erin does private group swim lessons out of her house. It's 30-minutes a day for a whole week. After hearing this, I actually thought Walt would retain more of the skills learning this way (especially at this age).

Even still, I was nervous because Walt, while a very athletic and strong kiddo, is not all that confident in the water. Even after years of swim lessons (admittedly, not continuous, which they say is the key), he still prefers to stay on the steps even though he KNOWS how to swim underwater.

So, you can imagine my surprise when I walk in on his last day and he's willingly leaping off the side and swimming to the steps.  See with your own eyes!

 Ms Erin was an outstanding coach. She was a great leader who was super encouraging while also challenging the kiddos.   We can't wait to kick off next summer with more lessons! Until then, Walt will happily be diving for rings on his own and swimming like a champ this summer.

PS it's also worth mentioning that even though it is mid-May, these lessons were COLD. Luckily her pool is heated, but this mild spring we're having made for some pretty chilly mornings!