Swim Lessons 2014

Summer is upon us and one of our favorite activities is swimming. We've had Walt in swim lessons every year since he was 18 months old. He's been luke warm about swimming. At first he LOVED it, but then started to get burned out. Last summer he liked it one week and hated it the next.  We are curious how he'll be this year. Not to mention, Walt is Mr. Cautious. He really likes to have things figured out before he gives it a whirl.

Oscar, on the other hand, is more of a doer. He's got a very "I don't give a [what]" attitude :) He's also sort of a maniac in the bath. So, we'll see if he starts diving head first into the water.

Here they are -- all ready for swimming!
Daddy went in with Oscar the first week. Oscar has no idea what's about to happen #waltphotobomb

The recap of the first lesson was surprising.  Walt was a super champ. He was completely fearless. He jumped off anything, went underwater, laughed and generally had an amazing time.  Oscar, not so much. He on-and-off fussed the whole time. Never really crying, but mostly just letting us know that he wasn't feeling it. I think it will just take some getting used to.

Oscar in his "floaty boat" and he looks to be relaxed enough to take a nap

In the foreground is Walt and his teacher. He was ready to jump in. (Chris and Oscar in the background... Oscar clinging to Chris for dear life).

The one thing that Oscar really enjoyed was the backfloat. He likes to chillax :)
I'll write updates through out the summer, but I'm excited to take the kids swimming as it's probably my fondest memory of summer.