
Well, we've been home from the hospital for just over two weeks now. I'm beginning to see what the new normal is going to be like, and I like it!  My transition with two kiddos has probably been easier than most because we chose to keep Walt in school full time during my leave. Honestly, the decision was more for Walt than selfishly keeping things "quiet" at home. We knew Walt's routine (and attention) would be affected regardless and he loves school and his friends so much, so it's a good escape for him.

I have to say that Walt's reaction/attitude towards Oscar was one of the biggest questions marks I had during pregnancy. Walt's a pretty sweet and agreeable guy, but he's also 2.5 years old and not immune to acting his age. So far he has been incredibly sweet and loving towards Oscar. He's always asking questions about him (What's he doing? What's wrong with him? etc). And, he is a great helper (he fetches my water and picks things up when I drop them).

Walt's amazing attitude is not without some pretty hilarious moments. The first time he saw me nursing Oscar he just starred at me with a very quizzical look and said, "Oscar is eating your tummy?"  I told him yes. We'll work on female anatomy when he's older.

Although the first few weeks have been pretty much divide and conquer, or as Chris calls it "man-to-man defense", I can see a light where we can do things as a family more. I look forward to those days. I've made some time for Walt whether it's playing out front for a few minutes while Oscar sleeps, or finding time to read some stories.

Finally, everyone is asking who Oscar looks like. Frankly, I don't think he looks like Walt did when he was a newborn. And I also didn't think we could make a kid that looked more like Chris than Walt, but I think we have... You be the judge in this side-by-side. Walt is on the left.