36 Weeks

Lots of fun news this week. On Sunday, I crossed the 36 week mark, which means I'm one week away from "full term" and now seeing the doctor on the weekly basis. Everything is still going well with the pregnancy (healthy baby, etc), but this mama is tired.  It's no joke trying to march around at work looking and acting like I have it together, when all I want to do is be on the couch in my PJs. Of course the other factor is the busy little Munksterman. He is totally awesome at this age, but also very tireless! He doesn't really understand that mommy needs to take a rest (and frankly, I have a hard time turning down his big brown eyes).

Went to the doctor yesterday to find out that Oscar is well over 7lbs already. It's a tough guess because that's all it is. Between the sonogram and my doctor's guess he's anywhere from 7.25lbs to closer to 8lb. Um, what? I'm giving birth to a three-month-old!  BUT, for this reason, my doctor is encouraging me to induce a week early. I didn't do this with Walt, but he was nice enough to come a week early on his own (weighing in at 8 lbs 6 oz).  While my preference is for Oscar to come on his own (and he still might), I like the idea of having somewhat of a plan (imagine that) and catching the little guy before he turns into a linebacker. So, June 24 is the tentative date!

While I had a sono, it's tough to see this guy. The sonographer commented that he doesn't have much room. In the picture, you really have to use your imagination. I tried to help you out. She did say they saw fuzzy little hair on his head!

And here's me at 36 weeks.