Munks the Chatterbox

Recently (in the past month or so), Walt has REALLY improved his speech. He's gone from single words to putting two, three, four words together and really has a conversation. It's really pretty awesome.  Now, Walt definitely has his own language. Chris and I are mostly fluent in "Walt-ese", but there are plenty of times we stare at each other truly questioning what our son just said (Did he just ask to watch an elephant sing?).

Sometime soon when I find more time I will post a few YouTube videos of the Munks chatting away. For now, you can enjoy this abbreviated list:

Words Walt says wrong, that I love:
In addition to these phrases, Walt has a whole string of words he says. He's definitely a parrot. Not that Chris and I have potty mouths, but random things come out and get repeated ("that guy's a tool").  What a super fun time this is! I can't wait for Walt to continue to communicate more (or can I?!) :)